High Ground
Humanity has demonstrated on countless occasions how cruel we can be to each other. Americans are no stranger in the cruelty department but now it seems we will openly proclaim it. Torture seems to be a popular subject in the news and in Washington lately. Everyone seems to focus on how and why torture was approved but this does not seem to be leading to an end of its use. The President’s cabinet that seems to be pulling all the heat, but last time I checked it was the President that was suppose to be in charge in the White House not the people he appoints to advise him.
Torture has always been a taboo subject in the United States. In the circles where it is practiced it is considered a necessary evil but one that is not approved or discussed especially by the President, but as it has been said, September 11th changed everything. Now the President can go on television and openly discuss a subject that means it is ok to hurt the information out of someone. Have we become so blinded by revenge that we no longer see or care the suffering we are inflicting? Besides this many in the intelligence community even point out short comings of intel gathered from torture victims. A perfect example is the misinformation used to justify going to war with Iraq, which was gathered using torture.
But this is America so Congress will keep looking for who is responsible for this situation and cabinet members will keep blaming each other. The President will remain blissfully ignorant and the American people will be outraged or just deny it ever happened, so I guess the status quo is maintained and all will be alright. Or maybe somebody that’s actually responsible will actually be held accountable for what they have done. Maybe America will actually live up to her hype. We’re always looking for a subject where there is no gray areas and this is one. Torture is wrong. Our government should not endorse, use it, or support any country that does use it. Come on America join me on the moral high ground the weathers pretty good up here.
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